Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

How to Join

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Are you interested in joining the Network and helping us to broaden our international scope even further? If you think you might be interested, please consider the following guidelines that we have in place for selecting country representatives:

  • We are only considering new network members from countries that are not already represented in our network.
  • Our country representatives are professors at highly reputable universities within their countries, and they conduct research on human resource management (HRM) issues. We have, however, made a few rare exceptions by partnering with HR professional associations who have the necessary research background, skills, and capabilities to conduct CRANET research effectively in their country.
  • Network members will be required to collect data from a representative sample of organizations in your country for each round of data collection. As the country representative, you would be responsible for securing your research sample, funding any expenses associated with data collection, writing a technical report based on your country’s data, and serving as an interpreter of country-specific results. If you miss a round of data collection, you will not be permitted access to the international dataset for that year. Members are only granted access to international data for the years in which they collected data in their own country.
  • Network members must attend network meetings. We have two meetings a year – one in late spring/early summer, and another in late fall/early winter – and each meeting takes place in a different member country. We recognize that it is not feasible for all members to attend all meetings, but we do ask that members attend at least every third meeting. Because collective participation in and contribution to network activities is vital to our success, failure to participate can lead to the termination of one’s membership in the network.
  • All members are asked at some point to host one of the meetings. More details about this will be provided upon membership.
  • Country representatives are free to publish manuscripts based on their country’s data at any time. To publish manuscripts using data from other countries, members must receive the permission of associated country representatives.
  • All members are required to sign an agreement relating to network membership and pay an annual fee (details on request).

If, after reading these terms of membership, you feel that you are a good fit for our network, please contact